Equity Resources

The District's Equity Initiative has generated interest in using supplemental resources, including DVDs and Novel Sets, in classrooms and for staff development. To check out any of the materials below, email the Multimedia Library at multimedia@pps.net with your name, location and date the item(s) are needed. You may also click on the title to reserve these materials online.


Race: The Power of an Illusion (H00580)
Examines the contemporary science, including genetics, that challenges our common sense assumptions that human beings can be bundled into three or four fundamentally different groups according to their physical traits. Features interviews with historians, biologists, anthropologists, and scientists who study the biology of race and speak to the genetic differences of the human population. This DVD contains three episodes: "The difference between us"; "The house we live in"; "The story we tell." (2003, 60 minutes per episode)

If you are interested in streaming "Race: The Power of an Illusion (recommended for single-user viewing only) send an email (only) to multimedia@pps.net. Our streaming license is restricted to PPS school and administration personnel only -- please use your District email address when making the request.

The Color of Fear - Part 1 (H00863)
The Color of Fear is an insightful, groundbreaking film about the state of race relations in America as seen through the eyes of eight North American men of Asian, European, Latino and African descent. In a series of intelligent, emotional and dramatic confrontations the men reveal the pain and scars that racism has caused them. What emerges is a deeper sense of understanding and trust. This is the dialogue most of us fear, but hope will happen sometime in our lifetime. (1994, 90 minutes)

Last Chance for Eden - Part 1 (H00864)
Last Chance for Eden is a documentary about nine men and women discussing the issues of racism and sexism in the workplace. They examine the impact of society’s stereotypes on their lives in the workplace, in their personal relationships and within their families and in their communities. In the course of their dialogue, they also explore the differences and similarities between racism and sexism – an area that has seldom been researched, but has heatedly become a very important issue needing to be understood and dealt with.

Local Color

The Professional Library carries "Local Color" on DVD, a 1991 OPB documentary chronicles the little known history of racism in Oregon and the story of people who worked for civil rights. You can request to borrow this DVD by sending an email to libraries@pps.net.

Video on Demand

Future Portland
A video produced by Brushfire Creative Partners and Ifanyi Bell, inspired by his essay "The Air I Breathe" in the Fall/Winter 2014 issue of Oregon Humanities magazine, "Quandary."

Novel Sets

Learning to be white : money, race, and God in America(N00260)
Thandeka explores the politics of the white experience in America. Tracing the links between religion, class, and race, she reveals the child abuse, ethnic conflicts, class exploitation, poor self-esteem, and a general feeling of self-contempt that are the wages of whiteness. (24 copies)

Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? and other conversations about race (N00256)
Walk into any racially mixed high school and you will see black youth seated together in the cafeteria. Of course, it's not just the black kids sitting together-the white, Latino, Asian Pacific, and, in some regions, American Indian youth are clustered in their own groups, too. The same phenomenon can be observed in college dining halls, faculty lounges, and corporate cafeterias. What is going on here? Is this self-segregation a problem we should try to fix, or a coping strategy we should support? How can we get past our reluctance to talk about racial issues to even discuss it? And what about all the other questions we and our children have about race? (59 copies)